Apply ONE THING ONLY. How To Handle A Divorce/Break Up By Applying ONE THING ONLY And Experience The Results You Want Instantly & Easily
Best Seller Non-Fiction Book από την Μαρία Γούσιου
Is your relationship or marriage over or about to end?
Was it your choice? Was it the only choice? Or were you left with no choice?
Whatever the case may be (details are not important right now), you are about to discover how by making one single thing a part of your life, you can instantly handle and answer all the breakup/divorce issues that you might face.
Είμαι πραγματικά ενθουσιασμένη που θέλεις να διαβάσεις το βιβλίο μου με τίτλο:
"Apply ONE THING ONLY. How To Handle A Divorce/Break Up By Applying ONE THING ONLY And Experience The Results You Want Instantly & Easily", ελπίζω να το απολαύσεις και φυσικά να σε βοηθήσει.
Με ιδιαίτερη αγάπη & ευγνωμοσύνη,
Is your relationship or marriage over or about to end?
Was it your choice?
Was it the only choice?
Were you left with no choice?
Whatever the case may be (details are not important right now), you are about to discover how by making one single thing a part of your life –you can call it a new habit, or a new routine, or even a new mindset, or a part of your current lifestyle… you can call it whatever suits you, this is not important– the important thing is that by applying just one thing, you can instantly handle and answer the following breakup/divorce issues:
The chapters are the following:
How To Get Your Ex back By Applying One Thing Only — If This Is What You Want.
Yes, They Do Come Back — How Not To Mess It Up When Your Ex Gives You Another Chance.
After A Break Up/Divorce — How To Get Over Your Ex Fast and Painlessly, If This Is What You Want.
When Is It Getting Better? — How Can You Stop Feeling So Sad + Depressed? — How And When Can You Finally Move On?
No Contact — How By Applying One Thing Only, You Can Turn The No Contact Phase Into Your Advantage.
To Break Up Or Not To Break Up? To Divorce Or Not To Divorce? — How To Know What To Do If You Are Facing This Dilemma.
Are You Being Replaced By A New Boyfriend/Girlfriend? — How To Turn This Shocking Experience Into Your Advantage By Applying One Thing Only!
“He/She Left Me For Someone Else – What Do I Do?” — How To Turn A Situation Like That Into Your Advantage, By Applying One Thing Only.
Confused, Lost, Going Crazy, Depressed, Alone… And Much More. Have You Ever Been So Hurt Before? — How To Handle These Severe Emotions And Turn Them Into Your Advantage By Applying One Thing Only.
How To Divorce Your Partner Without Divorcing Your Children.
How To Deal With Your Ex's Rebound Relationship And Turn It Into Your Advantage By Applying One Thing Only.
The Dreaded Breakup/Divorce Talk — How To Make It Easy (+Fast) For Both Of You, By Applying One Thing Only.
The Dreadful ‘Time And Space’ Talk — How To Turn It Into Your Advantage By Applying One Thing Only.
How To Move On With Your Loved One And Find A New Partner, If You Chose To Do So, By Applying One Thing Only.
If I Can Do It By Applying In My Life One Thing Only, Then You Can Do It, Too.
Relationships are part of our lives and they go hand in hand with separations, break ups or divorces. We may leave loved ones behind (or they might leave us), but we never part with ourselves, our thoughts, our behaviours, and our lives are filled with our own personal emotions and actions.
Partners may come, stay or go. The same happens with our thoughts and feelings. Thoughts and feelings come, stay and go all the time. What really stays – and sometimes stays forever – is our actions, our behaviour and our words. Thus, actions, behaviour and words are very important assets within your relationship/marriage and are key elements during a separation, breakup or divorce.
What you choose to say and do in a relationship or marriage always has consequences. Good or bad. Similarly, your decisions always have consequences. Good or bad. Your behaviour always has consequences. Good or bad. And of course, your actions always have consequences. Good or bad.
So choose wisely because you diserve only the best.
Thank you in advance for trusting me.
Maria Gousiou
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